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The New Pantheons

The first installment in the Children of Athena series.  Are you tired of dreary, nihilistic whiners or overly technical, dry-as-sand obsessives writing your sci-fi?  Do you want something relevant and strange?  Would you like all the horror and existential distress without all the gloomy sermons?  Would you like to believe in Humanity again?  If so, this book might be a good fit.

A dense, multifaceted story that will appeal to readers looking for a futuristic blend of sci-fi and mythology... Wemyss is a skilled, imaginative writer...

- Kirkus Indie Review

Perhaps the greatest standard by which a work of art or literature can be judged is by how much it makes the audience think, and "Children of Athena" is nothing less than a cornucopia for thought...

- P. Henderson,


Children of Athena is a happy nexus between a focus on strong ideas you know the author spits fire about and world building of the sort that speaks of an exceptionally creative, and perhaps a bit demented, mind.


- Alexendar Crommich,


... a no-holds-barred piece that showcases a future for humanity that is at once frightening, but also beautiful.


- N.K.,






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